Letters From The Past
Sevier Family Old Letters
Contributed by Deven Lewis and Denise
The contributors are descendants of George and Elizabeth McKey Sevier. The letters were written to Elizabeth Catherine "Kate" Sevier Mawbry James (daughter of George and Elizabeth Sevier) and Kate's daughter, Bettie. They hope someone can document the relationship between P. J. McKey (who refers to herself as Kate's sister and Bettie's aunt) and Kate Sevier.
Center Citty PO
Ellis Co [possibly Hill Co] Texas
May the 8, 1892
Dear Sister
I will try and write you a few lines to let you know that I have not forgoten
you. I was so glad to here from you and that dear little Bettie I cant my
self. [sic] I would like so mutch to see you all. I will write as soon as
we stake and I want you to write and tell me how you are all getting a long.
I know you are doing better than we are. We have plenty of grass and water.
Now we have sold out and will start in a few days. We will go southwest.
I will make this one move and then am going to stop. I think I am coming
to see you if I live long. This is a hard place and we have spent the best
of our last dayes here. The helth is not any better here than anywhere in
Texas. Thare has bin more sickness here this winter than I even sen. I have
not bin well this winter. John is nerly grane [?] we kist a giid nabet cattek
kast' winter. But we wasn't to get what stock we have of the shinoke before
Kate I would want to come back to Elis [Ellis County[ if we was abel to get
a home there. If we had of staid there we ....lost of bin rich. Now tell
cousin' betie I would like to see here and all of the children. I would know
all about Saley and Bert {?] and all the rest. If I ever get stratend
[straigntened] out a gane I do want to come to see you all when we get setteld.
I want you to come awhile with us you and Bettie. Will go after you if you
will come. I will write as soon as I stake and get stratened out so I can
tell you something important. Well I will close fore fear I ---- you. Well
mabe Ritcherd would like to know where Wales Wamach is. We left him in Leon
Co 2 years ago. He warnt doing any good fore his self. Give Richerd and Mit
[Mittie] my best respects. All jaines in sending there love to you. Good
I remain as ever you sister
P J McKey
Dear Niece
Your letter is at hand. I was more than glad to hear from you. I have nothing
of importance to write to you. Times is hard here crops look very well hear.
Betty I am so glad to hearfrom you. I have thought of you so mutch. Jane
Morrson told John that you was sure a good looking girle. I want your pitcure.
I would of come to sees you all last summer but we had the luck to lose our
work horses and we had no teem....to go. I said then I wasgoing this sumer
but will have sould out. We are nearly redy to move. We will go to watter
is we hjave staid here till we can sorter live. Binie lives in Blanco Co.
Blanco PO. John is at home now. Julia is next to John then Tomie then Eugene
and Lida. We have 5 children with us. Bene is marrad and they have a girl
so I am grandma. I want to se you all Bettie. I will write to you as long
as I live.
Bettie I want to tell you to be carful whin you think of marran. If you don't
get a good man you are in to it then you have a good one are none. Dont't
think him good know him to be good.[?] It is the luck of the James girles.
Make a bad choise and it ant so funny after while. The James boyes all done
well. But take care fore the girles. Your uncle John lives in Tempel Bell
Co. He is marrad and got one little girl. He is doing well and you never
saw a nicer man in your life./ I will write to him and tell him to send you
his an baby picture. Pa has bin to see him last winter and wionter before
last. But I did not see him. I don't know where you Pa is. I think he is
died are some of us could herare of him. Bettie I am getting as gray as a
rat. I am going on 46 and stout I recon fore all my life since I have had
a family. I have had a hard time and stil having it I will close fore this
time. I want you to write as soon as I write a gane. I ....you aunt till
Good by frome your Aunt
P J McKey
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